THE LABYRINTH OF ENDLESS RAMBLINGS Get awesome blog templates like this one from
Stop the Seal Slaughter Maya
Fortified with the gift of gibber, eats anything apart from liver. lives with 2 dogs and a stinky brother and a dad and a mother. and a cracked polystyrene man who just crumbles, yeah crumbles and burns. and she likes radiohead, a lot of metal, jazz, celtic music, a lot of people, 'Johnny The Homicidal Maniac' & 'Bear' & 'Skeleton Key' comics and her two shih tzus - Abby (Abigail) and Kusho. I WANT: Nothing

Society - Eddie Vedder

June 2007
July 2007
October 2007
November 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

[and in that little hollow i go to, to keep the strange pain secret, i find you]
Wednesday, 26 March 2008


well today was a good day. a good good day. i don't think i've been able to say any day's been good for a long long time. and today i say it with utmost confidence. today was smashing, spiffing, wonderful. the exam went rather well (i hope so anyway) and then since i only have mcq questions left, i decided to go out today with saad and berry (NOT YOUR BERRY ENN). Addy came too and we had a little time together then we all ate subway's and pallavi came too, then a bus to cine, which was quite boring cuz it was too late for berry to watch a movie so i just ended up buying 2 double-choc cookies for them and debating about whether to play lan or go to the ktv lounge or watch a movie. we ended up...taking neoprints! then aranya had to leave which was kinda depressing, so saad and i walked to takashimaya and i went to the art section and saw a book on Faerie Art which i so want and then i ditched saad and sat myself down at the poetry section and read through E.E Cummings (whom i happen to idolise) and Emily Dickinson. I have yet to read Sybil and bless mag cuz she's lending it to me. (I knew she was the one who had it).
So thennnnn we went to Orange Julius's and had Orange Smoothies and i killed my ulcer even more and i went to look for lip glosses and foundation (not that i care about make up) for fun and saad started trying on eyeshadows. the people at the respective counters were looking at me like i was some poor 'make-up-loving, style-seeking' wannabe. but i spoke well so maybe they changed their minds. they cake their faces with make up and they still look bad.
To me : "Here Miss, THIS foundation should do the trick! It's the darkest one we have!"
Me: "What do I look like to you, charcoal?"
Seriously, anyone who's a SHADE darker than most is considered the Dead Sea.
Anyway I was so tired by the time it was 9 and then saad took forever in the loo doing a #2 so i had to wait and get 'nasty' looks from some stupid woman who thought i was trying to act like i had enough money to buy 'lancome' make-up. and i felt like saying out loud that i do and that i probably have more money than she pretends to earn every month but i know better.
I feel like such a semi-bitch today (ask me what that means, i won't tell you).
BUT. The exams are almost over! JUST MC-FUCKING-Q'S LEFT.

AND. for those of you who CARE. its been 2 years and 1 month or 25 months, whichever you prefer.. yes wish me. it was the 24th.

-cause my feelings are more important than yours. oooh

because oxygen is a drug

Sunday, 16 March 2008


So the weekend has been tiring. but that's my fault because i have had plenty of time to rest but have been wasting it on things like staying up till 5 and 7 am and sleeping 4 hours for the past two days! After the english exam i went with saad to Parkway and we ate fish and chips (at long john's cuz we're too poor to afford fish and co.) and bought manga after what has felt like a gazillion years. i bought 'blood +'. Then on Saturday I went out to watch a movie with adel aranya and addy (mag was SUPPOSED to come but had to 'study') and, well, it wasn't very great (spiderwick chronicles - choice courtesy of Aranya Berry) haha joke. It was okay. nothing to scream about. then we went to e2max and just cs-ed and more like messed around then headed home, i nearly lost my phone at cine (I left it at E2Max and Ranz found it, love her to bits for that), nearly fell asleep thrice and then when we got home we had guests. till 11. then Fredric took me for a ride on his bike for 40 minutes and it was amazing! he took me to the runway and we drove past it and it was like this whole rush through my body and it felt good, i think i really really needed the fresh air. finally. anyhow, the exams have been alright (At least I hope). i haven't been studying for them as hard as i should've been/should be. i don't really know why. but anyway, i have been isketching so much now. you should try, its way addictive.
it's really Laurence Facun's fault that i even started playing it. Aranya and I were up all night playing it.
I need to start bio soon. Everyone's gone out again and now i'm alone and saad's here again because he wants to play PS2 or something and study. but more of the playing ps2. here i sit blogging because for whoever reads it, its been a little while (a few days) since i last did. i'll need a lotta sleep after this. and lots and lots of water. mmm. detox.

i don't feel sane anymore.

sleep comes easy when you're feeling all queasy.

n' breezy.

because oxygen is a drug

Friday, 7 March 2008


So today was great. Really great. It didn't start off that well because of my strange mood-swings but it turned out just great. And it turned out missing incubus wasn't that big a deal after all. because of this day and because the line-up wasn't so great (well actually its still going on right now. should be ending soon). no 'a certain shade of green', or 'rogues', or 'oil & water' or 'drive'. i dunno if they played megalomaniac but still. i don't feel all that bad about it. hahaha they had SAOSIN open for them. hahahahaha. eww.

If only the days lived

Were those I'd preordained

If only the stars'd come out

Whenever we wanted them to

So in this world that never sleeps

We'd make it as surreal

As our hearts desired

And we'd clutch each other

Searching out one another's souls

In near-blinding light

That seems to emit from us

And the cold'd seem like

Endless warmth in each other's arms

And we'll be two people

But one soul.

So Saad's here and he is frolicking in love-land with his girlfriend on the phone =]



because oxygen is a drug

Thursday, 6 March 2008


Oh how I wish you knew
Every time the sky turned blue
That I'm not okay again
And It's your turn to clean the loo.

Oh how I wish on a winter's day
A Snow-Storm'll up and take you away
Cos' there's that thin line
Between those lies and come-what-may.

But you just never see it
Though its always right in front of you
And I hate every little bit
Of all i get, that bunch o' shit

And I hope that by the end
You'll be there to hold me
Even if it is pretend
I'd feel you were a Godsend

Now i sit and realise
That maybe that's not what i need
Maybe love's a disguise
Maybe it leads to our demise

I need a friend
Not you 'cos you won't do
I need one with a ear and hand to lend
This "broken-heart" to help mend

'Cos you just won't do
With your perfect life
You don't have a clue
It's what i'm used to

And you sit elated
Thinking you've cheered me up
But the genuinity of your concern came belated
Hasn't left me sated

I wish you knew how much I want
A bond that's more than the candy-coating
I wish you knew how my wish to grant
Or this feeling'll become like a chant

-i shan't say more.

because oxygen is a drug

Wednesday, 5 March 2008


OMG. haha so i FINALLY found my long-lost friend, Sophie Grainger! on FACEBOOK! Yes i love that site i tell you. it re-connects me with all the people who constitute a very important part of my childhood. and gosh, i am happy because its been what? 6 OR 7 YEARS?! what a good way to end the tiring day.


because oxygen is a drug


नेहा = हय्जक्कर। हाहाहा।
నేహ ఈజ్ అ హిజకెర్.
The swiggly stuff above, for those of you who don't know, are hindi and telegu. not that i know telegu. its just fun to type nonsense. the hindi one reads (neha = hijacker. hahaha)

i know i am so cool.


retarded woman.

its about her being a nose-picking terrorist.

SO. i have my french exam in 2 and a half hours and i have to be in school an hour before (dunno why) and so now i am praying i am french-ified enough because this is possibly the last french exam i will ever want to do and possibly the last important french exam i'll ever have to do.
my brain now feels a little like fuzz but it'll pass. like the saying goes, 'once there's fuzz in the brain, it stays not for long.' -->actually i made that up, so. yeah.

as you may have noticed, my blog is like a de-stresser for me. i don't blog about problems or crap that people should keep in diaries or only tell people they trust. i blog about things that de-stress me and probably de-stress you, seeing as how i am very much the comedian.

well i miss aditya a lot and after this exam there will be no one and nothing else on my mind.

now i have to go into french-mode. so!

just for the sake of it, here:



Been meeting in the back room
Been gathering in the parking lot
Been talking in the break room
Of what we are doing with what we've got
Been meeting on the front lawn
Been gathering in the parking lot
Been talking in the break room
Of labour and unrest and eyeing the clock
Are you okay with what you've got?

We're throwing down our push brooms
We're hanging up our apron ties
We're coming from the back roads
Out of the fields and the factory lines

We're throwing down our push brooms
We're hanging up our apron ties
We're coming from the back roads
Out of the fields and the factory lines
Tell your brother and your sister
Tell your auntie and your uncle too
Tell your mother and your father
Your friends and your cousins and we need you

We're throwing down our push brooms
We're hanging up our apron ties
We've walked so far
But we can walk all night

We're marching from the shipyards
We're marching from the hospitals
We'll take it to the town hall
We'll take it to the capitol
Tell your brother and your sister
Tell your auntie and your uncle too
Tell your mother and your father
Your friends and your cousins and we need you

We're throwing down our push brooms
We're hanging up our apron ties
We've walked so far
But we can walk all night
We're coming from the back roads
Out of the fields and the factory lines

Bonne Chance à moi et j'espere que j'obtiens des bonne notes!

Au Revoir!

because oxygen is a drug

Tuesday, 4 March 2008


हिन्दी में ब्लाग करने वाली टेररिस्ट (:

because oxygen is a drug


so since i've got this new skin, i realised i should stop blogging in light pink considering that colour now camouflages with the background. i know its weird but i don't care. i was never known to be artistic. if i was asked to draw a picture right now, i'd draw you a rag doll. that'd probably look like a cylinder, with straw hair and stick feet.
tomorrow's the blessed french exam.

can you BELIEVE it. since i have tuition with my french teacher (who is incidently, french) and since i now live in this big thing in the middle of nowhere to most of my friends, she's coming at 6 and STAYING the night.

yes well, yes. so its super-powered-5-hour-french-day.
i know i know, you're all probably thinking at this time "man i wish my life was half as eventful and/or exciting as Maya's is" but you can save the sarcasm for desert. yes, desert, cuz that is the most nutritious meal of the day in my books. (i have written five incidently).

oh and i am pandan kerpis on because its so much fun. i don't even know what that means, lets hope it isn't some strange dish or swearword.

and for some reason i am hooked on kimya dawson songs. her songs are like the lyrics i write, minus the tunes. well i usually do have tunes but i just hum em' on the spot then i forget them. and i don't bother trying them out on my violin cuz my lyrics about being red and hiding in boxes till dawn don't really go together. its like putting the 'braidy bunch' in 'the oc'. in a very weird way.

yeah well, i should get back to work if i want an inkling of 80.

and then i can finally buy 10 Carls' Junior meals and lie in bed eating them pretending i'm getting fit by watching exercise videos. cuz i am so worth that.

because oxygen is a drug